In all of 2023 we had a total of 812 patient visits at the clinic. The clinic was open 2 days a week. We averaged about 8 patients per day. During the last three months we have had over 800 patient visits. There are several factors for the dramatic increase. During the second quarter there was an outbreak of a fever, now somewhat contained, running through the community, and an expanded publicity program. Further, in April of this year, we expanded the number of days the clinic is open from two days a week to four days and added a physician. However, the increase in the days that the clinic is open is not the main reason for the increase in numbers. The increase is in large part due to the nutrition program for pre-school children. On nutrition days the number of patients explodes when mothers bring their preschool children for check-ups and to receive their nutritional supplements.
Haiti has had a problem of food vulnerability for many years, but the gang activity of the last few years has greatly exacerbated the problem by cutting off economic activity primarily by stifling transportation including transportation of food. We are glad the clinic has been there to respond to the nutritional challenge of children in the community. Of course, the increase in numbers also brings a financial challenge to theFoundation because italso increases the cost of running the clinic. Most of the people that we serve cannot afford to pay for their medical care. We thank the donors that have made the clinic possible with their repeated gifts.
The board of the Found Doux Foundation has authorized a trial position for Dr. Dieuseul Istache to become a resident physician at the Fond Doux Clinic. It would be for a period of 4 months as we discover whether there are sufficient patients to warrant the clinic being open for three or four days per week with a physician on staff. As of the date of publication , he has not yet signed the contract, but is expected to accept the position.
Dr. Istache grew up in Fond Doux and received his university and medical training on a Fond Doux Foundation scholarship. Since graduating from Royal Universitè d’Haiti in 2023, he has been waiting for assignment from the Department of Health for his required assignment for social work, the last step in becoming a certified MD in Haiti. However, the government of Haiti has not been fully functional and he is in an extended waiting period. He is able to take on a temporary position.
It has been a long desire of the Haitians of Fond Doux to have a working clinic in Fond Doux. A group representing the Wesleyenne Church of Fond Doux and the Fond Doux Foundation met on July 15th to sign a contract to arrange for a clinic in Fond Doux to be operated by the Fond Doux Foundation Nurse Myrdred Kaminski Delva.
Clinic Committee
A Committee to oversee the clinic was appointed. Representing the FDF are Emile Maceus and Dany Joseph. Representing the Wesleyenne Church are Madame Laudanie Férus and Teacher Jeanol Vertus. On July 17th a fifth person associated with neither group was appointed by the other four. He is Jean Gaston OVIDE. The signing of the contract and the formation of the committee mark a big milestone in Fond Doux.
Clinic Building
A clinic building erected by Samaritan’s Purse has set empty for about seven years. Although erected after the earthquake of 2010 by Samaritan’s Purse, it is now owned by the Wesleyenne Church of Fond Doux. Plans to repair and upgrade the building are underway. The group was enthusiastic about the forthcoming opening of the clinic and the Wesleyenne Church commended the FDF for their work in the community. We have gathered funds to begin renovation. More are always welcome.
The clinic building has six rooms, a pharmacy, a utility room and 4 rooms originally designed for possible consulting of patients. However, the plan is to use one of the consulting rooms as an office and one of the rooms as a laboratory., although perhaps one of the rooms may serve dual purposes.
Clinic Building Repair
Repairs should soon be under way on the clinic building now that the clinic committee in Fond Doux is working. The damage to the roof and ceiling were more significant than we had realized. Water had come in over a considerable period of time and had gotten to the plywood ceiling tile. Four sheet metal roofing panels at the very least need to be replaced. A carpenter has been secured.
Upgrades to Clinic
Other upgrades will be necessary to operate the clinic. We are opening with a “bare bones” approach, but with greater resources we would like to expand to phase II, adding a basic laboratory as quickly as possible. That will make the clinic exponentially more effective. Plans for solar power are being actively planned as well.
The United Methodist Women of Epworth United Methodist Church, Durham, NC have already raised sufficient money to cover a year’s salary for the nurse. They had agreed to fund at least six months and then evaluate. Although many tasks will be handled by volunteers, a cleaning lady has been secured that must be paid and someone to maintain records will probably need to be hired as well. The salaries for these positions are very modest as all the jobs are part time, but they provide subsistence for people with little income.